Money brokers continually program us to believe money is complicated. It is not. That is what money brokers want us to believe. If we buy the programing, we end up not knowing how to best spend our hard -earned money. Their programing is really simple. The programing says to us, SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE, DON’T INVEST AND DON’T SAVE! SPEND MORE SAVE LESS THAN YOU MAKE.
What is so complicated about that? So, people can’t figure the same playbook is being use by the food industry.
Healthy food and good food are not complicated. They are really the same. The food industry, much like the financial industry, likes to add “STUFF” to their products that are not good for us to consume. Their junk money is available to purchase clothes, cars, trips and lest we forget, fast food! Maybe, these purchases are not in best interest of the purchaser. This blogger feels, once we pay more attention to and start to eat good food, better health follows.