Since 1993

What makes us different


What does an eating disorder impact? 

  • Quality of life 
  • Interpersonal relationships 
  • Occupational functioning 
  • Overall wellness 

How does one develop an eating disorder? 

  • Underlying triggers such as: 
    • Past trauma 
    • Abuse (mental, physical, or emotional) 
    • Poor coping mechanisms 
    • Low self-esteem 
    • Difficulty expressing negative emotions 
    • Difficulty resolving conflicts 
    • Perfectionist personality 

When a person experiences any number of the above mentioned issues, they are more likely to develop an eating disorder. Unlike staple treatments and programs for “niche” eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, selective eating, and so on, WWW and its clinician Fred Allen, LISW-S believe that the most significant problem around the world today in the therapeutic industry is more attuned to simple, unhealthy relationships individuals have with food that become habitual and dangerous to their overall health, which Mr. Allen has coined “Disordered Eating.” It is Mr. Allen’s goal to address these issues with each client on an individual therapeutic basis to dissect their daily eating habits and daily rituals and determine the root cause of their unhealthy relationship with food and help fight back against disordered eating, obesity, and consumer programming.  



Next Steps...

Today you have reached out for help and you have found an open and inclusive community that understands and respects your unique journey.

Eating disorders affect people of all genders, ages, sexualities, races, ethnicities, religions and socio-economic statuses. They do not discriminate and neither should their treatment.

Our diverse team is here to support you through every step of the healing process. We work hard to ensure that all people in our care have equal access to services and receive the same top-quality, empathetic and affirming care.

We appreciate all that makes you, you. That means that no matter who you are, where you are on your path to wellness or what circumstances have brought you here, you have found a warm place to heal.